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See below for The Chest of Visions

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September News

Just about one year ago the first letters were received from young people in the land of Caperston. Initially they were from a young man named Mattpaul and now his best friend, Huchfee, has been writing.

In a March letter we were told ... "Michaeling's candle was last. Before she blew it out Marcus stated, 'Our friend Michaeling was the first youth to be baptized by Chihaysu. She will lead the Valley Youth by her gentle but determined ways. Leave your candle burning as we leave this place'."

    Chihaysu arrested

and Sav-ed appeals to King Fector of Romas. Don't miss the drama.

Read the plans ... click September Letters

... for most recent correspondence received and published.

Click September Letters

The Chest of Visions, takes us to a parallel universe, similar yet different from our own world.

Click on the below arrow for a video with more information.

The Chest of Visions is available on, on Kindle or on Nook. There are more reviews on

For these reviews and purchase information click ... Reviews Chest of Visions

A Message received on January 3, 2014 ...

"This website is AWESOME!!! I'm the Youth Director at my church and I also mentor and work with inner city youth in my community!

Your site has very good information that can be used for our teens...Thank You!

                                     Regina (from Guestbook)

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What would the world be like without

prayer ?

The Chest of Visions describes such a world ...

and what it becomes when prayer is introduced to this world.

Youth worker Melissa Jagel adds that the Chest of Visions is ...

"Engaging, exciting, entertaining, and easy-to-read ..."

I'd love to put "The Chest of Visions" in the hands of every youth and young adult leader in the country!"

On Aug 08, 2013 Sandra Stiles shared…

"I think every youth group should read this book. This makes us take a look at why bad things like death happen. It makes us look deeply at our own faith. Have we pulled away from God?

This is a book that I have on my shelves at school. It has wonderful pictures in it which will reach that kid who really enjoys the more graphic type novel. It is a way to plant the seeds of Christianity."

On June 16, 2013 Lee Ashford for Readers' Favorite wrote …

"The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston” is a well-reasoned, well-written, and intelligently conceived allegory ... it is crafted as a totally new concept for involving today's youth in Bible study... a correspondence across parallel universes between several teen-aged individuals on two different planets in two different universes.

If read in its entirety, and considered prayerfully, "The Chest of Visions" should be acknowledged as a significant step forward in Youth Group Study Guides."

To read the full reviews, please

click: The Chest of Visions

Not the Same Old Done-it-before Youth Meetings: "I totally had to get this book"

Jo writes regarding Not the Same Old, Done-it-before Youth Meetings ... "I think this book is really good and helpful. I first read the online version of the book because I did not want to pay for it. But after reading a couple of program ideas and having a very very successful youth program I totally HAD to get this book. It is well worth the money."

Read more reviews like this one by Jo by clicking ... Not the Same Old, Done-it-before Youth Meeting (the book)

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Jesus calls Christian youth to "Go into the world to preach the gospel" and gives the promise,"I am always with you to the end of the age". Please share with us where you live so that the global community of Christian teens and their youth leaders can become more evident. Are you active in a Christian youth group? Do you have Christian youth activities or entertainment ideas to share. Your shared ideas for youth ministry programs will be featured on our activities page. Help make our Christian youth website truly international!Just click on the Guestmap Icon and let us know who you are and if you have ideas to share. We will get back to you..

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